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5 Things Apple Needs to Do to Improve Siri || five drawbacks of Siri

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5 Things Apple Needs to Do to Improve Siri || five drawbacks of Siri

5 Things Apple Needs to Do to Improve Siri || five drawbacks of Siri
5 Things Apple Needs to Do to Improve Siri || five drawbacks of Siri

One of the most amazing app which discussed in this article is Siri. /2013/09/top-15-most-useful-iphone-accessories.html" target="_blank">iPhone users familiar or even know about this app name because in 2011 Siri, the virtual personal assistant introduced on the iPhone 4S. This awesome app uses speech recognition, /2013/11/download-artificial-intelligence-modern.html" target="_blank">artificial intelligence, and tight integration to the phone's built-in apps to create a "personal assistant" to perform a multitude of tasks for you. This amazing app make work very easy and even you just speak and your whole work done in seconds. Siri is most interesting app than any other apps introducing till now because of its unique features like if you plan to go in meeting and you want weather update you just asked whats the weather report today this amazing app brings whole result from weather forecast and provide you perfect result but if you do same question with other Voice recognition apps then they only bring result from your calender's weekly updates. So in simple words the best use of Artificial Intelligence in Siri and this is one of good example of /2013/12/uninformed-searching-algorithms.html" target="_blank">Artificial Intelligence as well as Speech Recognition App.
But today in this article we will discussed what /2014/01/5-things-apple-needs-to-do-to-improve.html" target="_blank">Five Things which Apple Needs to Do to Improve Siri because nothing could be perfect so everything need to improve.

1. Alternative Voices
If you asked me about the iPhone 4s app Siri then i have nothing against Siri's, but it would be cool to be able and use alternate voices and give iPhone 4S a more unique.  Apple needs to have voices like TomTom does, so just having some alternate voice options would be nice and make it more convenient. Siri would be cool to have other famous AI voices like HAL and GlaDOS.

2. Multilingual
If we see the Siri's multilingual skills then we see it has some amazing multi-linguistic skills, but these skills also not enough. As we take example of the United States version of iOS 5 running on many iPhone 4S which lets you choose between English (United Kingdom), French, English (Australia),  English (United States) and German. If take the general view then we come to know the German-speaking or French-speaking citizens in the United States is lower than other populations such as Spanish-speaking so its necessary that siri provide multi-lingustic skills which supports other languages.

3. iPad 2 Support
If you are iPad 2 user then you know that iPad 2 didn't get Siri. Why? No ans. If we compare it with smartphone features then we can say that the iPhone 4 didn't get Siri because the lacks of dual core processing horsepower of the iPhone 4S. But this argument doesn't hold against dual core processing iPad 2.

4. Deeper Integration
Another thing which apple need to improve in Siri is that Siri can't open apps, and it can't take pictures. It will let you dictate a text message, but not a Twitter tweet or a Facebook status update. As everybody know this isn't all Apple's responsibility but Apple just needs to have the APIs which allow third-party developers to tap into and integrate with Siri. So in this way the working of Siri is more than anyone can think.

5. Default security
Security is all time hot topic in the world of technology. As Apple has included an option with Siri which lets you access the power and capabilities of the personal assistant without unlocking the phone. The default functionality of Siri while the iPhone 4S is locked and the problem is if you can pick up the phone and send a text message or any other thing so anyone can who picks up your phone so same functionality by using Siri. The bigger problem is that Apple leaves this option on by default as the choice available, but by deafult it should be turned off. 

But in short "Siri is great, but it could be better"

Aslo Read: /2014/01/top-10-best-voice-recognition-software.html" target="_blank">Top 10 Best Voice Recognition Software & Tools in 2014

just so much information about 5 Things Apple Needs to Do to Improve Siri || five drawbacks of Siri

hopefully the information we provide about 5 Things Apple Needs to Do to Improve Siri || five drawbacks of Siri can give answer your question to google, and you feel satisfied about this.

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